VidSummit 2023

Where the world's top video influencers, marketers, and brands reveal everything they know about turning videos into sales.

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Tuesday October 3rd, 2023

VidSummit Registration ( 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM )

VidSummit Kickoff Party ( 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM / Central )

Wednesday October 4th, 2023

Welcome to VidSummit 2023: Opening Remarks ( 9:00 AM / Exhibition Hall )


-Derral Eves


KEYNOTE PrestonPlayz: Scaling Your YouTube Team the right way...
( 9:10 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Preston Playz

KEYNOTE: Michelle Khare ( 10:10 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Michelle Khare

Mastering the Cut: YouTube Editors' Roundtable ( 10:50 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Danny McMahon

-Tony Santos

-Ryan Forsythe

-YB Chang

-Hayden Hillier-Smith

Pivoting Your Channel for YouTube Success ( 10:50 AM / Grand Ballroom A )


Don’t let your YouTube Channel get hacked! ( 10:50 AM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Liron Segev

Roasting YouTube Channels W/ MrBeast & Airrack ( 11:45 AM / Exhibition Hall )



Lunch Break ( 12:30 PM )

Generative AI: The Final Frontier of YouTube Storytelling ( 2:00 PM / Exhibition Hall )


Short-cut to Success on Shorts ( 2:00 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Jenny Hoyos

Become a Destination Channel and Dominate in a “Saturated” Niche ( 2:00 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Roberto Blake

Breaking Through the Noise: Dominating an Oversaturated Niche on YouTube ( 2:55 PM / Exhibition Hall )



Embracing AI: Empowering Creativity in Content Creation ( 2:55 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-James Myrick

Beyond Monetization: How Fan Funding Empowers Creators to Define Their Own Success ( 2:55 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Emily D. Baker

How I Made 8 Figures Part Time During My First Year As A YouTuber ( 3:35 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Myron Golden

Everything I Wish I Knew When I Started my YouTube Channel ( 3:35 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Devin Stone

Build a Million-Dollar Biz With a Small YouTube Channel ( 3:35 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Sarah Renae Clark

YouTube Ads Masterclass: How to make millions a month ( 4:15 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Cliff Weitzman

-What's Next for YouTube ( 4:15 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Rene Ritchie

Peter Mckinnon & Dikla ( 4:15 PM / Grand Ballroom B)

-Peter Mckinnon


KEYNOTE - Zach King ( 5:05 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Zach King

Thursday October 5th, 2023

From 10,000 Views a Video To Over $10,000,000 A Year ( 8:00 AM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Greg Knighton

Opening Remarks ( 9:00 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Derral Eves


KEYNOTE: Leveraging your Brand off YouTube and Scaling it ( 9:10 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Priscilla Lau

-Mindy McKnight

The Power of Storytelling: Crafting Content that Connects ( 10:10 AM / Exhibition Hall )


-YB Chang

How to Transform Your YouTube Channel for Consistent Growth ( 10:10 AM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Judo Sloth

The Future of Creator Economy: Navigating Trends, Technology, and Opportunities ( 10:50 AM / Exhibition Hall )

-Samir Chaudry

-Colin Rosenblum

Future-Proof Your Success in a Rapidly Evolving Industry ( 10:50 AM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Nick Nimmin

Brand Building and Content Creation: The Transformative Power of AI Tools ( 10:50 AM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Cam Partridge

Keynote: Engage, Empower, Monetize: Turning Audience Power into Channel Growth ( 11:45 AM )

-Derral Eves

Lunch Break ( 12:30 PM )

Tom Bilyeu ( 2:00 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Tom Bilyeu

Crafting Success: Insights from the Next Gen Creators Shaping the Digital Landscape ( 2:00 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Manuel Boza

-Teniola Oyedele

-Dominique Gilbert

-Katie Vining


-Matt Wolfe

Making Philanthropy Viral ( 2:55 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Dan Mace

-Darren Margolias

PIVOT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! ( 2:55 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Jordan Matter

The Future of YouTube & AI ( 2:55 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Triston Goodwin

-Matt Wolfe

Perfect Your YouTube Packaging: Thumbnails, Intros & Ideas Masterclass ( 3:35 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Jon Youshaei

Cleo Abram ( 3:35 PM / Exhibition Hall )

How YouTube Paid Me While I Sold a Half Million Dollars in Cookbooks ( 3:35 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

-Cathy Yoder

YouTube Strategy: Lessons from 10 Billion Views  ( 4:15 PM / Exhibition Hall )

-Paddy Galloway

Sponsorship Upselling: How to Get Paid 10X as much on Brand Deals without 10X the Work ( 4:15 PM / Grand Ballroom B )

-Justin Moore

Lisa Bilyeu ( 4:15 PM / Grand Ballroom A )

KEYNOTE - TBA ( 5:05 PM )

Closing ( 5:50 PM )


-Derral Eves

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*Accurate location & onboarding details will be provided after successful enrolment. The listed price does not include transportation expenses unless explicitly stated above.

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